
Hello, I'm David, and welcome to my page. I am a Software Developer and below you can check out some of my work.

This my 5 Day Forecast app. It is a single page application that incorporates end points from a weather API. With it I was able to display any city's 5 day forecast which includes its highest temperature for each day, as well as it's wind and humidity. Additionally, if the user searched for a city in the past, that city will be stored in the search bar from local storage.

This is a Currency Converter. This is an application where I worked with a small team of 4 other software developers to use multiple APIs to convert different World currencies to various precious metals and Bitcoin. I was specifically assigned to the "Currency to Bitcoin" portion as well as the overall design flow of the site.


Listed above is my most relevant work experience, as well as my education and skill-sets. If interested, please feel free to click and download my resume for your convenience.

Thank you.


Coding is truly a passion of mine! However, when I'm not coding I thoroughly enjoy long trips on my Harley-Davidson. The open raod and a good raod trip are just as satisfying as finally getting your code to work. ^_^


Please feel free to contact me on Linkedin, or check out some of my repos on GitHub.